Microsoft excel far windows, uses the 1900 date system in which serial numbers correspond to the       numbers correspond to the dates January 1, 1900 through December 31, 9999.

*   To insert the current time shortcutis ctri+:(colon)

*   To insert the current date shortcut is ctrl+;(semicolon)


       Returns the serial number of a particular date. Year ia a number from 1900 to 9999. Month is a        number representing the month of the year. If month is greater then 12, then month adds that               number of month to the first month in the year specified.

          E.g = Date (2010,14,2) returns the serial number representing February 2, 2011.

*   Day is a number representing the day is a greaterthan the number of days in the month specified,       then days adds that number of days to the first day in the month. For example, Date(2011,1,35)        returns Febuary 4,2011.

  =Date(99,1,1)equals 36161,the serial number corresponding to January 1, 1999.

   NOW() :- 

Returns the serial number of the current date and time value returned by Now() function will change each time when worksheet is calculated.


This function converts a date in text from to a date serial number.

                    Sy = Date value("date")

DAY() :- 

This function return the day of a date.


MONTH() :-

This function return the month of a date.


  YEAR() :-

This function return the year of a date.



This function returns an integer from 1 faor sunday to 7 fao saturday.


DAYS360() :- 

This function calculates the number of days beteen two dates.



          Time =ctrl+shift+:

           Date =ctrl+;

#4 EXCEL MICROSOFT OFFICE #4 EXCEL MICROSOFT OFFICE Reviewed by star boys on February 02, 2021 Rating: 5

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