#0 Ms Word | Microsoft Office



Ms-word is  a word - processing application , Which provides is a user friedly interface  that provides  enable is to easily types , edit and formatting text in our document. Word 2007 include several enhanced features for reading and sharing documents . We can enhance the readability of documents by applying styles and themes to our documents.


* Microsoft office button: -

In the upper left corner of the word 2007 window is the microsoft office button. When we click the button a menu appears . We can use the menu to create a new file. Open an existing file Save a file and perform many other tasks.

* Quick Access Toolbar: -

Next to the microsoft office button is the quick access toolbar. The quick access toolbar provides us with access to commands frequently use .By default, save, undo and redo appear on the quick access toolbar. We can use save to save our file ,undo to rollback an action. We have taken and redo is reapply an action we have rolled back.

* Title bar: -

Next to the quick access toolbar is the title bar . Title bar display the title of the document on which we are currently working. Word names the first new - document we open document ,1.As we can open a additional new document, word - name them frequently when we save our document. We as sing . The document as new name.

* Ribbon: -
We use commands to tell microsoft word what to do in microsoft word 2007. We use the ribbon to issue commands . 
The ribbon is located near the top of the screen , below the quick access toolbars . At the top of the ribbon are several tabs clicking a tab  displays several related commands group within each group  are related command button. we click the button to issue command or to access menu dialog boxes. We may also find a dialog bore launcher in the button - right corner of the group.
Clicking the dialog bore launcher gives is access to additional command dialog box .

*The Ruler :-

Word has two rulers a horizontal ruler and a vertical ruler . The horizontal ruler appears just beneath the ribbon and is used to set margins and tab stops . The vertical ruler appears on the left edge of the word . Window is used to set the vertical position of elements on the page.

* The Txt Area:-

Just below the ruler is a large area called the text area . Type own document in the text area. The blinking vertical line in the upper - left corner of the text area is the cursor. It marks the insertion points as we type our text displays at the cursor location. The horizontal line next to the cursor marks the end of the document .

* Vertical & Horizontal Scroll Bar: -

The vertical and horizontal scroll bar enables us to move up. Down access our window simply by dragging the icon located right side of the screen . The horizontal scroll. Bar is located just above up and down our document click and drag the vertical scroll bar up and down to move back and fourth . You want to see a horizontal scroll of the width of our document fits on our screen.

*The  Status Bar: -

The status bar appears at the very button of our window and provides such information of the current page and the number of word in our document . We can change what displays on the status bar by right clicking on the status bar and selecting the option we want from the customize status bar menu click a menu.

#0 Ms Word | Microsoft Office #0 Ms Word  | Microsoft Office Reviewed by star boys on October 13, 2020 Rating: 5

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