#0 Ms Excel | Microsoft office

                           Ms Excel 

Introduction :- 
Ms-Excel is a spreadsheet worksheet package when calculations are mode on paper and certain data must be change then the entire work must be recalculated on re-written . If a spreadsheet package is used then the re-calculation is automatic . the details of bank passbook tax inventory purchase and sale can also be maintained using a spreadsheet package . Latus 1-2-3 , quattro pro-symphony ms-excel etc . are spreadsheet .

Objectives :-
After going this unit you will be able to . 

. Start ms-excel 

. Identify different parts of worksheet . 

. Create save open and close a workbook . 

. Work with formulas and functions .

. Exit from ms-Excel . 

Excel basic :- 
Before working with ms-excel it must be started and different parts of excel spreadsheet must be identified . 

To start ms-excel :- 
To start ms-excel first boot the computer loading windows . Then follow any one of the following 4 methods to start ms-excel . 

. Click on start button on the taskbar . select programs > ms-office > ms-excel . 

. From windows explorer double click on any excel icon will be present in 

microsoft office folder will start and the will be opened . 

. Select start > Run Type excel and click on ok excel . EXE is the executable file name of 

ms-excel present in microsoft office folder . 

 Double click on the excel shortcut icon on windows desktop . (If any ) . 

Parts of ms-excel spreadsheet :- 
When ms-excel is loaded . The excel window will appear on the screen excel window appearance with its parts is given below . 

Tittle bar :-
Displays the application name file name and various window control like minimize button maximize button and close button . 

Menu bar :- 
Different options for selection . 

Standard toolbar :- 
Displayed by default allows to give common commands like saving the file opening a file printing etc . 

Formatting toolbar :- 
Allow the user to give commands related to formatting cell and contents like bold underline font style font size color etc . 

Name box :-
Display the address of the current cell . 

Formula bar :- 
Located above the worksheet this area displays the contents of the active cell .It can also be used for entering or editing data and formulas . 

Active cells :- 
The active cell is recognized by its black outline data is always entered in to the active cells different cell can b e mode active by clicking on them with the mouse by using the arrow keys on the keyboard . 

Column header :- 
Columns run vortically on a worksheet and each one is identified by a letter are 16384 columns numbered as A , B , C ...... Z , AA , AB ...... AZ , BA , BB ..... XFD first column name A and last column name is XFD . To go to the cell in last column header press end and right arrow key to return to the cell in first column press end and left arrow key . 



#0 Ms Excel | Microsoft office #0 Ms Excel | Microsoft office Reviewed by star boys on October 19, 2020 Rating: 5

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