#1 Ms word | Microsoft Office


The view tools allow us to change the view of the document . 


To activates the word help we can click on the question (?) of the tab . 


The mini toolbar only appears when text has been selected in the document this toolbar contains the frequently used formatting such as bold and italic . 


Certain character called non - printing character do not print and will not appear in our printed document but do effect our document layout . 


Just click the file tab located in the uper - left corner of the word ribbon . If you already do not have any opened document then you will see a window listing down all the recently opened document as follows  if you already have an opened document then it will display a window showing detail about the opened document as shown below . backstage view show three columns when you select most of the available options in the first column . 

The first column of the backstage view will have following options.


If an existing document is opened . It will be saved as is otherwise it will display a dialogue box asking for the document name .              

 . Click on file .

. Click on save .

. Write the file name (link : Wizard - Tech) , Click on save . 

Save as :- 

A dialogue box will be displayed asking for document name and document type . By default it will save in word 2010 format with extension docx.

. Click on file .

. Click on save as .

. Define the name save .

OPEN :- This option is used to open an existing word document .

. Click on file .

. Click on open .

. Select your file name , again click on open . 

Close :-

This option is used to close an opened document .

. Click on file tab . 

. Click on close .

INFO :- 

This option display information about the opened document .


This option lists down all the recently opened document .

NEW :- 

This option is used to open a new document .

. Click on file .

. Click on new .


This option is used to print an opened document .

. Click on file .

. Click on print .

. Define your requiremernt .

. Click on ok .


This option will save an open document and will display options to send the document using email , etc .


This option is used to grt the required help about word 2010 .


This options is used to set various option related to word 2010 .

EXIT :- 

Use this option to close the document and exit .



                *   HOME   *

# Clipboard 


It is use for paste the cut and copied data or information into other location . 

                        ( ctrl + v ) 

CUT :- 

By using this command we can use cut selected text or paragraph from current file .

                        ( crlt + x )

COPY :- 

Copy the selectiuon and put it on the clipboard .

                        ( ctrl + c )


Bold :- 

Make the selected text bold . ( ctrl + b )


Italicize the selected text . (ctrl + i )


Underline the selected text . ( ctrl + u )


Draw a line through the middle of the selected text . 


Create small letter below the text baseline . 

                           ( ctrl + = )


Create small letter above the base line of text . 

                     ( ctrl + shift ++ )


Change all the selected text to uppercase lowercase or other common capitalizations .

                         (shift + f3 )

#1 Ms word | Microsoft Office #1 Ms word   | Microsoft Office Reviewed by star boys on October 14, 2020 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Microsoft Word is probably the most commonly used Office application. Thank you for sharing this tutorials. Text alignment, formatting, page and section break related questions such as How To Remove A Page Break In Word are commonly searched questions. Thank you for sharing this.


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