#1 Ms Excel | Microsoft office

 Row Header:-
Rows run horizontally in Ms Excel worksheet and are identified by a number in the row header there are 1048576 rows (lines) numbered is 1,2,3....1048576 . First row number is 1 and last row number is 1048576 to go to cell in last row press end and down arrow key to return to cell in first row press end and up arrow key .

Sheet Tabs:-
Each of these note book like tabs represents a different sheet in the workbook . A workbook can have any number of sheets and each sheet has its name displayed in a sheet tab switching between worksheets in an Ms Excel file is done by clicking on the sheet tab .

Insert worksheet :- 
By default each new workbook that you create contain three sheets . Add a new sheet by clicking the insert worksheet button ( which is displayed after the last sheet tab ) .

Sheet scroll buttons :- 
Use these to scroll the sheet tabs to display tabs that aren't visible . 

Status bar :- 
This bar displays various messages as well as the status of the num lock caps lock and scroll lock keys on your keyboard . It also shows summary information about the range of cell that is selected . Right click the status bar to change the information that's displayed .

View buttons :- 
Change the way the worksheet is displayed by clicking on of the buttons . 

Worksheets within workbook :- 
Ms-excel document ( file are know as workbooks ) . Each workbook contains 3 worksheet by default . Adding or deleting the sheet can change the number of sheets . Each sheet is named uniquely like sheet 1 sheet 2 etc .

                    Which is displayed in the sheet tab a workbook can also contain chart sheets . Which                       are named as chart 1 , chart 2 etc by default . 

                     When Ms Excel is loaded it automatically opens a new workbook named book 1                                (with  extention  XL 5X) . this name is displayed on the tittle bar  .

                     The main part of the Ms Excel screen is the worksheet area a grid of rows and                                 columns  . the worksheet contains 1048576 rows and 16384 columns .

The intersection of a column and a row is called a cell . Each cell has a cell address . The cell address consists of the column letter and row number foe insternce the first cell is an in first column and first row number is 1 . Therefore the first cell name address is A1 first cell is also called as home cell . Similarly the last cell address is xfd1048576 . ( column xfd and row 1048576 ) . At any time one cell can be active and the address of the name box . A thick black border indicates the active cell . Any cell can be mode active by clicking on that cell . Using key combinations also it is possible to move quickly to the desired cell . 

Navigate worksheet :- 
Using the mouse you can move to any cell of any worksheet of an open workbook . 

* To scroll through different parts of the worksheet drag the scroll box in 
   the scroll bars or click on the arrow marks in the scroll bars . 

* To go to different sheets in the workbook click on the desired sheet name 
   in the sheet tab . 

* To go to a desired cell click inside the cell or click on find & select >
   Go to in editing group of home tab . Type the desired cell address in the reference 
   box ( for example . D7 ) and click on ok . 

* Click on the name box . type the desired cell address and press Enter .

#1 Ms Excel | Microsoft office #1 Ms Excel | Microsoft office Reviewed by star boys on October 23, 2020 Rating: 5

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