#2 History of Computer !

3rd Genration (1964-1970) -: Circular development, also called Ic. it was a third-generation computer feature. Ic with a single chip (us uellsy silion) with many components such as a transistor and resistors built into it, a small chip the size of a fingernail can have the equivalent of 2000 transistors.

What would make sense comparisons and calculate another chip designed for this type of computer is IBM360, IBM370

4TH Generation (1970 to present): - The fourth type of computer that used VLSI (Larger Scale Intelligence) extensively and can be called as a microporocessor Intel became the first company to introduce microprocessor and first, it wanted a PC or prosnal computer in this is written by IBM. Many transistors are filled with a single chip. As a result the size of the copmuter decreases.

EX: -Desk-top, Lap -top computer etc.

5TH Genration (Currently by Beyand): - The human creatin computer deram on the 5th genration computer will use the largest scal Integrated chip (SLSI) chip. That will lead to the production of microprocessors with millions of electrical components in one chip.

AI (Artificial Intelligence)

refers to a series of technologies related to attempting to imitate and reproduce human behavior including thinking, spitting and thinking. AI is made up of a team of related technologies: -Expert system (ES), Natural Lanyuage processing (NLP), Speech recognition, vision recognition and robots.
#2 History of Computer ! #2 History of Computer ! Reviewed by star boys on March 12, 2020 Rating: 5

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