#2 Ms Word | Microsoft Office

 Text Highlight color :- 

Make text look like it was marked with a highlighter pen . 

Font Color :- 

Chang the text color . 

Font :- 

Chang the font face .

     ( ctrl + shift + p )

Font Size :-

Chang the font size .

                         ( ctrl + shift + p )

Grow Font :-

Increase the font size . 

                          ( ctrl + shift + > )

Shrink Font :- 

Decrease the font size . 

                       ( ctrl + shift + < ) 

Clear Formatting :- 

Clear all formatting form the selection leaving only the plain text . 

                                *   PARAGRAPH    *

Bullets :- 

Start a bulleted list . Click the arrow to choose the different bullet styles . 

Numbering :- 

Start a numbered list . Click the arrow to choos different numbering format . 

Multilevel List :- 

Start a maltilevel list . Click the arrow to choose different maltilevel list style .

Decrease Indent :-

Decrease the indent level of the paragraph . 

Increase Indent :- 

Increase the indent level of the paragraph . 

Sort :- 

Alphabetize the selected text or sort numerical data . 

Show / Hide :- 

Show paragraph marks and other hidden formatting symbols . 

                         ( ctrl + * ) 

Align Text Left :-

Align text to the left .

                        ( ctrl + L)

Align Text Center :- 

Align text to the center . 

                      ( ctrl + E )

Align Text Right :-

Align text to the right .

                         ( ctrl + R )

Justify :- 

Align text to both the left and right margins adding extra space between word if necessary .

                            ( ctrl + J )

Line Spacing :- 

Chang the spacing between line of text . you can also customize the amount of space 

added before and after paragraph . 

Shading :- 

Color the background behind the selected text or paragraph .

Bottom Border :-

Customize the color borders of the selected cells or text . 



Chang Style :- 

Chang the set of style , colors and fonts used in the document . 


Find :- 

Find and selected specifec text , formatting or type of information within the workbook . 

                        ( ctrl + F ) 

Replace :-

Replace text in the document . 

                       ( ctrl + H )

Select :-

Select text or object in the document . 

                                          *     INSERT    *


           * PAGE - GROUP 

Cover Page :-

Insert a fully formatted cover page in the title outhor data and other information . 

Blank Page :-

Insert a new blank page at the cursor position . 

Page Break :-

Start the next page at the current position . 


Table :- Insert or draw a table into the document . 


Picture :- Insert a picture from a file . 

Clip Art :- Insert clip Art into the document . Including drawings , movies , sound , or stock photography to  illustrate a specific concept . 

Shapes :- 

Insert ready - made shapes , such as rectangles and flowchart symbols and callouts . 

Smart Art :- 

Insert a smart art graphic to uisually communiate information Smart Art graphics rangs from graphical lists and process diagrams to more complex graphic such as venn diagrams and organization charts . 

Chart :- 

Insert a chart to illustrate and compare data . Bar , pie , line , area , and surface are some of the available types . 


Hyperlink :-

Create a link to a wed page a picture an e-mali address or a program . 

                           ( ctrl + K )

Book Mark :- 

Create a bookmark to assign a name to specific point in a document . We can make hyperlinks that jump directly to a bookmarked location .

Cross - Reference :- 

Refer to items such as headings figures and tables by inserting a cross reference such as see table 6 below" or " turn to page "8" cross reference are automatically updated if the content is moved to another location . By pefault cross references are inserted as hyperlinks .   

#2 Ms Word | Microsoft Office  #2 Ms Word  | Microsoft Office Reviewed by star boys on October 15, 2020 Rating: 5

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